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Linux System Monitoring and Management

In today’s article, we will look at how to do System Monitoring and Management in Linux.

Linux operating system users may want to monitor the system and see which processes are using how much cpu and how much ram.

When you are on the server, you can see information such as which process is used the most and how much is used in CPU, ram and disk, thanks to different applications.

The most used of these is the TOP command, which is usually found in every Linux distribution.

You can run the Top application by typing top.

One of the most used monitoring programs is the htop application.

To install htop, the epel-realese repo must be installed.

You can install the epel repo as follows.

After installing the epel repo, you can use the command below to install htop.

The glances I like the most is one of the programs used for monitoring.

To install glances, the epel-realese repo must be installed.

You can install the epel repo as follows.

After installing the epel repo, you can use the command below to install htop.


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