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How To Connect To Oracle On Linux and Solution Of The Error:” error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”


In this article, I will share the necessary steps to connect to Oracle through the linux operating system and the solutions to the problems we face.

First, we connect to the linux server with ssh as root.

Then, with the help of the following command, we ask where sqlplus is.


We get a list below.


From this list, we see that sqlplus is in the “/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/bin” directory.

So we find out that Oracle Home is in the directory “/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64”.

With the following command, we are going to the directory where sqlplus is.


We are running sqlplus with the following command.


When we run sqlplus, we get an error as follows.

./sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


We then run the following commands to load Oracle Home and Library Path.


When we want to run sqlplus again as below, it asks us the username.


Once you see that we can connect, you can connect to the Oracle database you want with the command below.



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