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How To Increase The Number Of Control Files?

In today’s article, We will explain the topic How to Increase the Number of Control Files in Oracle Databese?.

A. If we are using SPFile parameter file.

1. The control_files parameter in our spfile parameter file is updated as follows.

2. The database is closed.

3. A new control file is created in the specified directory.

4. The database opens.

5. It is checked whether the parameter file is updated or not.

When we try to open our database with pfile without updating our pfile parameter file (init<ORACLE_SID>.ora), it opens without problems, but it does not see the newly added control_file.

B. If we are using PFILE,

1. The database is closed.

2. The Pfile parameter file is opened with the vi text editor and the control_files are updated.

3. A new control file is created in the specified directory.

In this step, if you do not create a control file named control03.ctl in the specified directory, but want to use the control file created in A, an error will be received when opening the database.

The reason is that the checkpoint information in the control files is not the same. The error is as follows.

4. The database opens.


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