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Flashback Enabling Procedure

In today’s article, we will be talking about what the Flashback Enabling Procedure is.

1. MWRPR replicas must stop. Otherwise, REPLICAT PROCESS will receive an error when the database is closed.

2. In order to use the FLASHBACK feature in the database, the database must be ARCHIVE LOG MODE.

3. Now that the database is in archive mode, MWRPR REPLICAT can be started.

4. Before enabling the FLASHBACK feature, we need to check and set the following parameters in the database.


a. How long will FLASHBACK logs be kept?

The above value is 1440 minutes (24 hours). We can adjust this value as we wish.

b. The size of the archive area where FLASHBACK logs will be stored should be checked.

c. The location of the archive area where FLASHBACK logs will be stored should be checked.


If UNDO TBS is not GUARANTEE, it can be set as follows.


f. UNDO parameters should be checked. Necessary changes should be made.

g. UNDO TABLESPACE dimensions should be checked. If there are UNDO TBS smaller than the estimated size, their size should be increased.

h. In order to use the FLASHBACK QUERY feature, the database must be in SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING mode. (for Flashback Query)

If it is closed, it can be activated as follows.

j. In order to use the FLASHBACK TABLE feature, the ROW MOVEMENT value of the table to be flashed must be ENABLE. This parameter can also be updated in case of a problem. (For Flashback Table)

k. The RECYCLEBIN folder must be active so that we can retrieve the tables we sent to the trash bin with the DROP TABLE command. (Flashback Drop)

5. Now that all preparations are completed, Database FLASHBACK can be activated.

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