Sunday , December 22 2024

Disable Data Guard Broker Configuration

In today’s article i will tell you how to Disable Data Guard Broker Configuration.

We may want to disable the broker configuration. Commands executed in SQLPLUS after being disabled are valid until the broker is enabled.

The broker will expire from the moment it is enabled. The reason is that as soon as the broker is enabled, the DMON process reads the configuration file and shapes the broker accordingly.

If we want the parameter changes made while the Broker is DISABLE’ to be permanent, then we change the parameters from the Broker.

This is because the DMON parameter is active even if the broker is DISABLED. In this case, the DMON process writes the changes made to the configuration file.

When enabled, it shapes the Configuration accordingly.

Let’s test it.
[Commands run from DGMGRL are all run from Primary-1 by connecting to DGMGRL]

1. We query from the broker to see some information of the Logical Standby Database.

2. We DISABLE the broker.

3. We query the tables under the TEST schema.

4. We create a new table under the TEST schema.

5. We stop Redo-Apply in Logical Standby Database.

6. We create a new table under the TEST schema.

7. We ENABLE the configuration.

[Logical-2]—->ALERT LOG

8. We check again whether the table is in Logical Standby.




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