Friday , March 14 2025

Import Data

In today’s article, I will cover you about the Data Import process and the parts to pay attention to in this process.


1. We drop the table we exported from the Scott schema.

2. We start the import process with the Impdp tool.

Points to Consider in the Import Process

1. First of all, it is learned whether there is enough space in the DB to be imported.

2. In the DB where we will import the data, the user of the table we exported must be found. Otherwise we will get an error like below.

The following query is run to remove the error.

2. In the DB from which we will import the data, the tablespace from which we exported must have a tablespace. If not, we will get an error as below.

The following query is run to remove the error.

3. We may get GRANT errors while importing the data. This is not so important. For example, errors like the following are received.

Completing the Import Process

1. The import process is left in the following step.

2. It seems that it stays in “executing” even though the import is stopped. We saw this with the following query.

3. The database is requested to be stopped.

4. The database did not stop. We look at the reason from the Alert Logs and understand that the reason is FRA.

NOTE: The reason why the database cannot be closed when the FRA field is full is because it wants to save it in Archive files to ensure the consistency of the transactions made at that moment. Because the checkpoint information in Controlfile, Datafile and Archivelog must be the same for consistent opening while opening.

5. The database smon process is killed and forced to shut down.

6. The database is closed. When we connect with “sqlplus / as sysdba”, we see that the instance is idle.

7. The database is opened in the nomount step. [Every 2 Nodes]

8. The deletion is performed.

9. Crosscheck is done.

NOTE: The crosscheck command checks whether the backup in the RMAN repository is physical on the disk or tape. If the file does not exist physically on the disk or tape (it may have been deleted through the operating system), RMAN repository marks the relevant backup as “EXPIRED”. Afterwards, backup information can be deleted from the RMAN repository with the “DELETE EXPIRED” command.

10. It is checked whether there is enough space.

If there is not enough space, we enter the fra field and check what can be deleted.

We connect to ASM with “asmcmd” to see what can be deleted from FRA with RMAN.

11. We check whether the fields used in asm_diskgroup and v$recovery_file_dest are the same.

12. If the space used is not the same, expired archive logs are deleted.
13. We mount the database.. [Every 2 Nodes]

14. The database opens. [Every 2 Nodes]



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