Saturday , December 21 2024

Insufficient SRLs

In today’s article I will describe Resolving Insufficient SRLs Warning in Pre-Switchover Validate Command.

When we run the Validate command on the Standby database that will be Primary before Swtichover,

we get the Insufficient SRLs warning in the Current Log File Groups and Future Log File Groups sections.

Here’s how we fix this warning.

1. We are learning configuration.

2. We are questioning whether the standby database to be primary is suitable for Switchover.

3. We are querying Online and Standby Redo Logs in Primary and Standby database.

As we have seen above, a Redo Log is created as Thread# 0 in Standby Redo Logs.

In fact, while working to establish the Primary database Standby, Standby Redo Logs were created as an extra to the number of Online Redo Logs in the Primary.

But Oracle created one of the created as Thread# 0, which I can’t understand why.

In this case, Oracle’s best recommendation is not followed. That’s why we’re getting a warning.

4. We create a new Standby Log File with thread# 0 in the same size in the Primary.

This is because if Oracle is using it for a special reason, this is not to interfere with the process.

5. We create as thread #1 by DROPing the Standby Log File number 7 in Primary.

6. We perform the same operations in the standby database. First we stop Redo Apply, otherwise we will get an error as below.

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01156: recovery or flashback in progress may need access to files

7. We create a new Standby Redo Log group with thread# 0 in the Standby database, DROP the Standby Redo Log group with the current thread# 0, and create the Standby Redo Log file with the same group as thread# 1.

8. We check the Standby Redo Log files on the Primary and Standby sides.

9. By running the Validate command again, we check if the error has occurred.




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