Monday , October 7 2024

Creating New Replica Set Configuration

Replica set configuration on ‘n’ node Replica:

We generally have 3 nodes replica set with 1 Primary and 2 secondaries.

Below are the steps we will need to perform to configure replica set in our environment.

1. We will receive server with required configuration with CloudOps. They will be using standard configurations in  for replica set Standard MongoDB installation on EC2.

Perform below steps one by one on each nodes :

(a)    Create data directory for mongo :


sudo chown -R mongod:mongod /mongo/data/data       (NOTE : For permissions to directories take reference from any already present replica cluster)

(b) Create log directory :


(c) Create directory to keep key file (used to authenticate servers to each other)

  • Run below command to generate key :


Copy the key generated on first server to rest of the servers. It should be same on each server.

NOTE : Set the permission of these files to 600 so that only the owner of the file can read or write this file to prevent other users on the system form accessing the shared secret by running below command


2. Edit the Mongo configuration file (/etc/mongod.conf)

(Take reference of any already present replica cluster. Make sure to keep path of data directory, log and keyfile same as we created in above steps)

NOTE : Some variables varies with mongo version like bind_ip_all . Make sure to use them correctly.

Required variables in mongodb conf file are as below. All the nodes in replica set will need to start with below configuration along with rest standard configuration


3. Start Mongo service on each node after making changes in MongoDB configuration file (/etc/mongod.conf)


4. Make sure MongoDB service port (Default 27017) security rule is added to connect all nodes in replica set. They should be able to connect with each other. We can check by using below command


5. After completing above steps on each node, perform below steps on any of the node first which we need to make our Primary.

(a) Login to mongo shell using “mongo” command and then perform steps given below.


Now run below command to check replica set configuration and status.


(b) Now create admin user by logging into primary server (check in rs.status())

Connect to mongo shell.


Confirm it using :


NOTE : Create Admin user  — need not to be repeated on the remaining servers, as it is already replicated to the other nodes (Secondary’s and arbiter)

6. Now login to secondary servers and perform below steps :


NOTE : In case of arbiter, no need to perform above step. The arbiter does not contain any data therefore you or the application won’t need to authenticate if you connect directly.

When your application is connecting to a replica set it will detect if a node is an arbiter and don’t attempt to connect to it.


About Bhushan Lipare

One comment

  1. Hello! Thansk for the article.
    What is the meaning of 741? When using openssl:
    openssl rand -base64 741

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