Saturday , February 8 2025

How To Configure Viewpoint Service In Teradata


To configure Viewpoint follow below steps:


After running the above steps then do the below service restart:


Teradata Alerts contains the following services:

• tdactivemq: Messaging service that allows message exchanges between the Teradata Alerts components

For example, to start the messaging service:


To stop the messaging service:

To restart the messaging service:

To check if the messaging service is running


 camalert: Alert service that processes events and alerts.

Each service has an init script on the Teradata Viewpoint server located in the /etc/
init.d directory.

The init scripts support the following command arguments:
• start- Starts the service. If the service is already running, a new instance is not started.
• stop- Stops the service.
• restart- Stops and starts the service.
• status- Checks if the service is running.

For example, to start the alert service:


To stop the alert service:

To restart the alert service:

To check if the alert service is running



Pankaj Chahar

[email protected]



About Pankaj Chahar

I'm an IT Professional from India, active Blogger. Have written many blogs for my previous firms,LinkedIn and own my blog. Professional Skills Primary : Teradata, Netezza, Unix Secondary : AWS Redshift ,PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra and other AWS services, EC2,S3,Cloudwatch,datapipeline and etc. You may reach me at [email protected]/ +91-8802350184

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