Thursday , February 6 2025

Installing Percona XtraDB Cluster with three nodes on Ubuntu 16.04 Step By Step


Percona XtraDB Cluster is a active/active database clustering solution for MySQL. It ensures high availability, prevents downtime and data loss, and provides linear scalability for a growing environment

Features of Percona XtraDB Cluster include:

  • Synchronous replication
  • Multi-master replication
  • True parallel replication
  • Automatic node provisioning
  • Data consistency
  • PXC Strict Mode
  • Configuration script for ProxySQL
  • Automatic configuration of SSL encryption
  • Optimized Performance

I will give you the steps to install it step by step:


1. Fetch the package for configuring Percona software repository:


2. Install the downloaded package with dpkg:


3. Update the local cache:


4. Install the Percona XtraDB Cluster server package and qpress package:


5. Login to MySQL and make some users with some permissions because we will use it later


6. Stop the mysql service in order to start again and take the changes:


7. Pinning the Packages in order not to make upgrade later


8. Now Configure Cluster on the first & Second and The third nodes









8. Start the first node as the primary node


9. Login to MySQL and run below query to check status of replication


10. Check these variables to be sure the node now is ready


11. Start the second & the third nodes and check the variables again


Now it’s finished and your Percona XtraDB Cluster is ready to use without any downtime and with high availability for three nodes.

Beside XtraDB Cluster you have to make load balancing for these three nodes, the best recommended solution from my side Percona MySQL Proxy which I will explain in another article soon.

If you have any question about my article please don’t hesitate to write a comment here and I will happily reply.

Thanks for reading my article.




  1. helpful article
    waiting for the next one

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