Saturday , July 27 2024

How To Create PostgreSQL Repository To Install Postgres Without Internet

Download Postgres Repository Metadata

First, Run the below command on a server that can connect to internet. This command download the latest postgres repository metadata information.

Then go to the below directory. You can found downloaded repository metadata.

Download RPM Packets

Then we must download the necessary rpm packets from the downloaded repo metadata with the help of the below command.

Then go to the relavant directory to see the repo.

Create Repo Metadata Information

We must create the metadata with the below command.

Copy Repository to the Server that can not connect to internet

Then copy this repository to relavant server with scp. We use -r parameter to copy all content of directory.

Note:> Server that can not connect to internet

Then go to the relavant server and /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory and create a repo file that includes the below content.

On the server that can not connect to internet

Content of repo file

Press Esc and type :wq(Save and exit)

Install PostgreSQL From Repo without Internet

Run the below command to install PostgreSQL using OurRepo.

Then you must perform initdb operations. You can find detailed information about this operation in below articles. All operations are same.

How To Install PostgreSQL Replication On Centos,

How To Install PostgreSQL On centos/redhat

If you need upgrade operation you can use the below article.




About Zekiye AYDEMİR

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