Saturday , February 8 2025

Linux Glances

With the Glances application on linux, you can view information about the processes running instantly in the system, terminate the processes you want to terminate, or view the applications that use the most CPU or use the most ram.

You can exit with CTRL + C command or q.

To install glances, the epel-realese repo must be installed.

You can install the epel repo as follows.

After installing the epel repo, you can use the command below to install htop.

After the installation process is done, you can run it by typing glances.

In the above glances output, you can see the information about cpu, ram and swap in more detail than other monitoring applications. On the left, information about the network, disk and file system used is given.

Applications that run differently from others cannot be killed via glances.


About Faruk Erdem

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