Saturday , July 27 2024

SQL Health Check

In order to improve your business and go to better, more affordable and higher quality, you need to regularly check your databases for health.

Here are seven important reasons why you should regularly perform database health checks:

1. Performance related reasons:

To achieve top performance, it is essential that you meet industry standards and follow the best configurations.

*Infrastructure resources such as Server, Network, Storage must be properly configured.

*Configuring virtualization environments (if applicable)

*OS-specific configurations such as power options and user group policies

*Instance-level configurations such as Memory, Parallelism

*Database-specific configurations

2. Costs related to hardware features or server sizes:

In order to meet the workload, the size of your databases will increase and indirectly the server size and hardware features will increase.

This will mean purchasing new Hardware for you.

However, overdoing it leads to the purchase of unused hardware and creates unnecessary costs.

If your server is not configured correctly, it will require more powerful hardware and higher performance components.

Regular SQL Server Health check ensures that your environment is optimized as much as possible. So you don’t need extra cost.

3. Data growth and capacity planning:

Planning database growth and capacity in your Microsoft SQL Server environments minimizes your management costs.

A disproportionate growth quickly fills up the disk space. It causes the maintenance plans to be extended.

4. Increased workloads by users or processes:

Even if you do not see a significant increase in data, at the end of the day, your system may encounter more users or workloads.

Being prepared for such a situation helps you to know in advance the competence of your system and how long it can sustain the load to be encountered.

5. High Availability and Disaster Recovery:

When you are focused on your business and in the growth phase, you need to know how and how long your databases will be available again in case of a potential disaster.

Please think otherwise! Your data is gone, you don’t know when or how it will come back. What will you do?

6. Meeting service level agreements (SLA):

The fulfillment of SLAs often affects your organization in terms of performance and HA/DR.

We recommend getting SLA support to optimize the configurations of SQL servers and help you minimize downtime and performance events.

7. Security and Compliance:

Even if you do not enter the database audit, the first thing you should pay attention to is always the security configuration, no matter how far you are from security solutions such as penetration testing or vulnerability testing.

If you want to avoid sanctions on security and compliance issues by both KVKK and GDPR, the most important step in these health checks is the security step. your organization’s sales, customers, products, etc.

External access to databases with such information cannot be ignored. In order not to encounter negative situations such as reliability, reputation, loss of earnings, you should get SQL Server Health control service.



About Çağlar Özenç

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