Monday , April 29 2024

Oracle User Operations

This article contains information about Oracle User Operations like creating a new Oracle user, authorizing, changing password and dropping Oracle User.

Create Oracle User

CREATE USER is used to create the user for the Oracle database.

The keywords to be used during user creation are as follows.

We can create user as follows using only username and password.

After the command is executed, it will create the user according to the value specified with Your_User_Name and Your_User_Password.

Change Oracle User Password

ALTER USER keywords are used to change the user’s password.

Grant Permission To Oracle User

The GRANT keyword is used to grant permission to Oracle user.

You can grant permissions like CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE VIEW, CREATE PRODECURE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or custom table and column based.

Oracle grant column privileges

Oracle grant all privileges

The ALL PRIVILEGES value is used to grant all privileges to a user.

Revoke Permission From Oracle User

The REVOKE keyword is used to revoke user privileges.

Lock and Unlock Oracle User

In Oracle user processes, the user can be locked. You can change the parameters that cause the user to crash in Oracle Profiles. You can find more information in the article “How To Create Oracle Profiles“. You may also be interested in the following articles.

How To Change User Profile On Oracle“,

How To Keep Same Password For Oracle User When Its EXPIRED(GRACE) State“,

How To Set Password Policy in Oracle“,

Oracle Password Expired Error“,

Profile password verify function issue(FROM ROOT)

The ALTER USER keyword is used for user locking.

Have a good day.


About Yusuf SEZER

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