Friday , March 14 2025

How To Mount and Unmount ZFS Mount Points on Exadata

Before reading this article, you might want to read the article “How To Create a FileSystem on ZFS (Mount Point)” to create a mount point on ZFS.

If you already have a mount point, we first connect to a node on exadata to mount this mount point.

Configuring fstab:

We enter fstab with the command below.

We need to add a line to the fstab to show the mount point we created on ZFS. Otherwise we can not mount the mount point.

If you add the above script to fstab in your own servers without configuring, it will not work. First you need to configure the script with the parameters in your system.

You must write the IP that connects to Exadata via ZFS instead of

To do this, you must first connect to ZFS and then click on the square in the following screenshot by finding the relevant EXADATA in the Interfaces section of the network-> configuration tab as shown below.

You should write this IP in the FSTAB where specified earlier.

Then go to the shares from ZFS and find the mount point to mount.

And write this mount point name instead of x/text_mountpoint in the fstab.

In the next section, we show which folder will be mounted on the node.

In our example we showed /zfs/test.

How To Mount a Mount Point

Create this folder with the help of the command below. Do not forget configuring fstab which I have mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Grant the permissions with the command below.

Mount it with the following command.

Lastly use df -h to see if it is mounted.

How To Unmount a Mount Point

With the umount /zfs/test/ command, we can unmount and than delete the folder.

During the unmount operation you can receive a “device is busy” error. I told you how to resolve this error in the article named “device is busy“.

After unmounting the mount point, we must comment it with # in fstab. Otherwise, the node may not boot after restart.

Information Note: When we open fstab with vi, we can delete it with dd command and we can copy it with yy and p.


About dbtut

We are a team with over 10 years of database management and BI experience. Our Expertises: Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana.

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