Saturday , May 18 2024

How To Change Exadata Cellnode Configurations

When the “ip”, “ntp” or “ilom” information is changed on the Exadata cellnodes, some operations must be performed. You can perform these operations by following the steps below.

In our scenario, we assume that the changes will be made to all cellnodes. Before starting operations, the CRS on the db nodes must be turned off.

First, we create a file named dbs_group. In this file, we write the IPs of the db nodes. Each line must have only a single IP. We then turn off the services on all nodes with the following command.

Configuration Change

First, back up the existing configuration file to a location other than cellnode.

From any db node, create the configuration file to modify. Create a file named cell_group and type the IPs of all cell nodes into this file. Each line must have only a single IP. You can then perform the following operations.

Turn off services on all Cell Nodes.

After making the necessary changes in the newly created “new.cell.conf” file in all cellnodes, activate the change with the following command(on cell nodes as root). This command will restart the corresponding node.

When the cell node is turned on, new configurations will be active. You can find out if there are any problems with the following command. This command also checks if the changes in the active configuration file “/opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf” match “/root/new.cell.conf”.

Finally verify cellnode configuration via cellcli.


About dbtut

We are a team with over 10 years of database management and BI experience. Our Expertises: Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana.

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