Sunday , December 22 2024

How To Open Database File

In today’s article, we will be cover the Database Opening Steps, Nomount, Mount and Open.


1. The parameters in the spfile parameter file are read and the instance is shaped.

2. In summary, the following parameters are read from the Spfile parameter file and the instance is shaped.

3. There is no access to data in this step.

4. Remote computers cannot access our database.

5. Command;


1. The Control File opens. With this process;

a. The name of our database,

b. Names and locations of Data Files,

c. Names and locations of Online Redo Log files,

d. The sequence number of the Online Redo Log file in use,

e. We learn Check Point information.

2. There is no access to data in this step.

3. We can access v$performance images.

4. Remote computers cannot access our database.

5. Command;




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