Thursday , March 27 2025

Oracle PL/SQL Operators

This PL/SQL Tutorial is about PL/SQL Operators.

Operators are special expressions that operate process between one or more values ​​in programming languages.

PL/SQL has operators that allow to process various data.

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators

Arithmetic Operators in PL/SQL

Arithmetic operators are operators that provide basic numerical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on numbers.

Relational Operators in PL/SQL

By comparing the two values, according to the operator result, it returns TRUE or FALSE.

Comparison Operators in PL/SQL

Like Relational Operators, Comparison operators compares two values and returns TRUE or FALSE. You can see comparision operators as below.

  • Like Operator in Oracle
  • Between Operator in Oracle
  • IN Operator in Oracle
  • IS NULL Operator in Oracle

LIKE Operator in PL/SQL

Like operator is used to search by the pattern.

Between Operator in PL/SQL

The Between Operator is used to query whether the specified value is within the specified range.

IN Operator in PL/SQL

The IN Opearator is used to query whether the specified value is one of the specified values.

IS NULL Operator in PL/SQL

Used to check if the value is NULL.

Logical Operators in PL/SQL

There are 3 logical operator in Oracle PL/SQL. AND, OR,NOT.

AND Operator in PL/SQL: It connects two operands each other(X AND Y). If both operands is true, then the result is true.

OR Operator in PL/SQL: It connects two operands each other(X AND Y). If one of the operands is true, then the result is true.

NOT Operator in PL/SQL: It reverse the result. If the result is true it returns false, and if the result is false, it returns true.

String Operator || in PL/SQL

PL / SQL || operator is used to concatenate string expressions.

You can find more detailed information about below topics in the below link.

PL/SQL Tutorial

You will find below topics in this article.

  1. What is PL/SQL
  2. Oracle PL/SQL Data Types and Variables and Literals
  3. Oracle PL/SQL Operators
  4. Oracle PL/SQL Conditional Statements
  5. Oracle PL/SQL Loops
  6. Oracle PL/SQL Procedures and Procedure Parameters
  7. Oracle PL/SQL Functions
  8. Oracle PL/SQL Cursor
  9. Oracle PL/SQL Records
  10. Oracle PL/SQL Exception
  11. Oracle PL/SQL Trigger
  12. Oracle PL/SQL Packages
  13. Oracle PL/SQL Collections

You can find more detailed information about operators at


About Yusuf SEZER

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